What's the Difference Between Epoxy and Polyaspartic Coatings?

What's the Difference Between Epoxy and Polyaspartic Coatings?

Epoxy and polyaspartic coatings are both popular choices for garage floor coatings, but they have some major differences. At Garagewerx®, we are a full-service garage organization and flooring company specializing in epoxy and polyaspartic coatings for the Dallas, TX area. Before planning out your garage flooring transformation, take a look at these key differences between epoxy and polyaspartic:

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Polyaspartic Coating Cures Quickly

Epoxy coatings usually require 24 to 48 hours to cure, while polyaspartic coatings can cure in as little as four hours. This makes polyaspartic the ideal choice for anyone looking for a fast floor coating solution.

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Polyaspartic Coating Penetrates Deeper into Concrete

Epoxy coatings typically sit on top of the concrete surface, while polyaspartic coatings penetrate deeper into the concrete and form a strong bond. This makes polyaspartic the better option for providing a long-lasting and durable floor finish.

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Epoxy Coating is Resistant to Heat and Chemicals

Epoxy coatings are more resistant to heat and chemicals than polyaspartic, making them the ideal choice for garages that may be regularly exposed to harsh conditions.

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Epoxy Coating is Generally More Affordable

Epoxy coatings are typically more affordable than polyaspartic coatings, making them a great option for those on a budget. No matter the type of flooring you desire, you can bet that Garagewerx® has the most competitive prices in Dallas!

Get A Project Quote from Your Dallas Garage Flooring Experts

At Garagewerx®, we specialize in both epoxy and polyaspartic garage floor coatings. We’ll help you choose the best floor coating solution for your space and provide a lasting transformation that will protect your garage floor for years to come. Contact us today to get started with your garage flooring project!

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